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 Frequently Asked Questions 

What is Dr. Dueck's hours of operation? 

Dr. Dueck maintains a part-time private practice where she typically works Monday to Thursday at her Kamloops office between 9am-4pm. She is available for in-person and tele-health appointments (video or phone). Due to hazardous driving conditions or emergencies that can occur living on a farm outside Kamloops, there may be occasional times when Dr. Dueck will need to adjust her work hours and may only be available for virtual appointments. She will notify you as soon as possible when this occurs.


Do I need a referral to see Dr. Dueck?

No. You do not need a referral from a physician or a third-party organization to see Dr. Dueck as a private client. Individuals can self-refer to Dr. Dueck’s practice by contacting her by phone (confidential voice mail message) or email. If you are interested in potentially going forward with Dr. Dueck, the next step will be to set up a 15-minute telephone consult (no cost) to determine whether she may be a good ‘fit’ for you. If it seems that Dr. Dueck is unable to provide services (e.g., due to not likely being a good match, your treatment needs are out of her scope of practice, her waitlist is too long, or other factors), she will try to find alternative providers and community services for you to seek out.


However, referrals from physician and other third party organizations (e.g., insurance companies) are also accepted. Please contact Dr. Dueck to discuss potential referrals with her.


What if I am referred by a third-party insurance company?

If you are referred to Dr. Dueck by a third-party insurance company, she will contact you to set up the initial appointment and discuss the details of the referral and the approval (e.g., number of sessions approved).  


Is there a waitlist to see Dr. Dueck?

Due to Dr. Dueck’s part-time practice, she is likely able to accommodate urgent initial appointments and there is a waitlist for new referrals. It is recommended that you check Dr. Dueck’s wait-list status, which is regularly updated on her website, with the estimated next available openings.


In situations, in which Dr. Dueck cannot accommodate new referrals in a timely manner, she can offer a referral list of alternative providers and community services for you to seek out.


What happens in the first session?

Prior to the first session, Dr. Dueck will forward you the Consent for Psychological Assessment and Treatment Services Form, an Intake Form and if relevant the Consent for Tele-Psychology Services Form, which she asks that you return to her in advance of the appointment. You will also receive instructions on setting up your account for booking appointments, billing, and video appointments (if applicable). At the outset of the session, she will review these issues and answer any questions or concerns you have about them.


The first session is also called the called the Intake Assessment Session. It is the first step in the therapy process. In this session, Dr. Dueck will ask various questions to gain a better understanding of your mental health concerns, your history, and your treatment goals. She may also ask you to complete a few short screening measures to obtain further information about symptoms you may be having. At the end of the session, based upon your unique circumstances, needs, and goals, Dr. Dueck will offer you individualized treatment recommendations (e.g., she will discuss her treatment approach options, number of sessions proposed, etc.). You will also have an opportunity to collaboratively discuss whether her services will be a good ‘fit’ for you and other factors that might impact treatment.


In cases where an individual chooses not to pursue treatment with Dr. Dueck, or in situations where Dr. Dueck’s treatment approach or scope of practice is not appropriate for your presenting concerns, or due to other factors (e.g., she does not seem like a ‘good match’ for you), she will gladly provide referral information to other providers and community services that you can pursue if you so choose.


What should I expect during a typical treatment session?

At the beginning of the session, Dr. Dueck will review your progress and homework (if applicable). The two of you will then jointly decide the goal for the session and the rest of the session will be proceeding with the treatment intervention, as agreed upon. The session ends with collaboratively planning your goals and homework practice to work on until the next appointment. 


What is the length of treatment sessions? 

Individual therapy sessions (in-person or telehealth by videoconference or phone) typically last 50-minutes and are billed at the regular hourly rate. Sessions of shorter duration (30 minutes) or longer duration (90 minutes) can be arranged and pro-rated based upon the hourly rate. If you are late, your appointment will still end at the scheduled time. Telephone conversations with you between sessions or any third-party, file reviews, and reports exceeding ten minutes will be billed in 15-minute increments at the regular hourly rate. Fees are subject to increases and Dr. Dueck will provide six-weeks notice of a fee increase.


What is the frequency of treatment sessions? 

Continuity of treatment is an important part of gaining all the benefits of psychological treatment. Typically, regular and frequent appointments are recommended at the start of therapy, and then gradually this will be tapered off as indicated by therapeutic progress. While there may be exceptions (e.g., due to vacations, illness, time conflicts), it is advisable to plan on scheduling weekly sessions upon commencing treatment. You can also book several appointments in advance to ensure that you obtain your preferred appointment time within Dr. Dueck’s limited practice hours.


How many treatment sessions will I need?

 Duration of treatment is dependent on several factors, including the severity of the concern for which help is being sought. The number of estimated sessions will be jointly discussed with you in the first session and will be reviewed regularly as treatment progresses.


How can I make the best use of treatment? 

Dr. Dueck will collaboratively work with you to develop a personalized and goal-oriented plan to help you reach your therapy goals.


Therapy tends to be most effective when clients take an active and committed role in the treatment process. It is also more effective when you utilize what you learn in the sessions by setting goals as well as practicing learned treatment strategies/skills into your everyday life. This is typically the “homework” of therapy. As part of the homework, Dr. Dueck also often offers web-based free educational resources to supplement sessions to facilitate your learning (e.g., reading material, record forms, workbooks/worksheets).


During sessions, you may also want to take notes at times as well as make time after appointments to reflect/journal about your therapy as well as to help you remember important points, insights, new learning, and questions.


How will I know if the treatment is working?

Dr. Dueck takes your investment of time, effort, and money seriously, and she appreciates that therapy can be hard work. Accordingly, Dr. Dueck will also work hard to maximize progress and successful outcomes. Accordingly, measuring treatment effectiveness and satisfaction is an important part of the provision of psychological services. Based upon your treatment goals established at the beginning of treatment, we will mutually decide how to monitor your progress. Dr. Dueck will also often provide suggestions on using outcome measures and questionnaires that can be re-administered periodically during treatment for this purpose.


Dr. Dueck is open and appreciative of client feedback about the treatment process. Please do not hesitate to discuss any concerns or questions you may have about her services or the therapy process, and she will work quickly to resolve these issues as to make your treatment more effective for you.


How can you contact Dr. Dueck between sessions?

Dr. Dueck can be reached by phone (confidential voicemail), text message, or email, and she will return messages within one business day during her practice hours (Tuesday to Thursday). She will also get your permission to contact you through electronic forms of communication (email, text messages). Please note that email and text communication can be useful, but you are advised to only use these forms of electronic communication for administrative purposes (e.g., to change your appointment times). Furthermore, all emails and texts will become a part of your file. If you must communicate confidential or personal information electronically, please fax or request an encrypted email link. Dr. Dueck does not communicate with, respond to, or contact clients through social media to support confidentiality.


What happens if you experience an urgent crisis or emergency situation between sessions?

Dr. Dueck only has a part-time private practice, and she is not set up to respond to after hours emergencies and crisis situations. In these situations, please call 911, go to the nearest hospital emergency room, or call a 24-hour community crisis line for assistance.  Please see the Resources page for a list of local and provincial crisis line numbers. 


How do you schedule or cancel appointments? 

To schedule or cancel a session, please contact Dr. Dueck directly by email at or by phone at 250-319-3119. Please provide 24-hours notice of cancellation or you will be charged 50% of the missed session fee unless it is due to an extenuating circumstance (e.g., illness/injury, family emergency, hazardous driving or weather conditions). You will otherwise be expected to pay this fee before your next appointment. Please note that health benefits and insurance plans do not pay for missed sessions.


How many sessions can be missed or cancelled?

Dr. Dueck has a list of individuals waiting for services. If you cancel or miss three sessions in a row, she will assume you may no longer be wanting services or may not be ready for treatment. At that time, you won’t be able to book further sessions and Dr. Dueck will provide you information about alternate resources.


Can you get courtesy reminders for appointments? 

You may request reminder emails when you set up your account on Dr. Dueck's secure on-line appointment scheduling platform. If you do, you will receive automated courtesy email reminder(s) at set times before your appointment (e.g., 24 hours before the appointment, 2 hours before the appointment, etc.). Due to the possibility of technical problems, please also make note of your appointment date and time.


What about public encounters between sessions?

Given that Kamloops is a smaller city and Dr. Dueck has a public presence operating a farm sanctuary in this community, it is possible that you could see her in a public setting (e.g., a grocery store or community event, such as at a Farmers' Market kiosk). To protect your confidentiality and privacy, Dr. Dueck will not approach you if she sees you in public; she will likely speak with you if you approach her, but not introduce you to the people she is with.


What is in your file? 

Your clinical file includes any information collected from you and about you, such as: emails, texts, contacts, legal forms, visit and payment records, referral information, intake notes, reports, and session notes. Dr. Dueck will store your clinical file electronically on secure, third-party, computer servers located in Canada, with any paper documents kept in a locked cabinet. Documents are stored for seven years, in accordance with guidelines.


Who else has access to your information? 

Dr. Dueck may have employee(s) who have signed a confidentiality agreement and will have access to your file for administrative purposes only. They will not have access to session notes. If Dr. Dueck’s business is ever audited by the Canada Revenue Agency, they will be provided with your name and payments you have made. In case of an emergency (in which Dr. Dueck is no longer able to provide psychological services), a psychologist designated by Dr. Dueck will be responsible for your file. To provide continuing education and improve client care, Dr. Dueck participates in consultation meetings with other psychologists. Consultation involves discussing client treatment, but your identity would never be revealed. Dr. Dueck may be asked to release your information to a third party (e.g., insurance claims, legal cases). If this happens, you will be notified and, when necessary, your written consent to release this information will be requested. Reports are the property of whomever contracts them and cannot be released to others by Dr. Dueck. Please request reports, in writing, from the referral source.


What is Dr. Dueck’s COVID-19 safety protocol?

As you know, COVID-19 is still a risk.  As the infection risk continues evolve over time, this protocol will be adjusted accordingly based upon public health directives.

  • If you are feeling unwell, regardless of whether you clearly have a head cold, regular seasonal flu, or a concern as yet undiagnosed, please call or email Dr. Dueck to to reschedule your appointment (to either a tele-health session if you are feeling well enough to participate or rescheduling to another day). No charge will be made for same-day cancellations on this basis.

  • If you have had recent contact with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19, or who is unwell, whether with a head cold, regular seasonal flu or a concern as yet undiagnosed, if you have recently visited the site of a significant outbreak, or if you have been asked to self-isolate, please call or email Dr. Dueck to reschedule your appointment(to either a tele-health session if you are feeling well enough to participate or rescheduling to another day).  No charge will be made for same-day cancellations on this basis.

  • If you are in self-isolation, please contact Dr. Dueck to discuss whether you would like to change the appointment to a tele-health session during your time in self-isolation or whether you would prefer to reschedule.

  • For in person sessions, Dr. Dueck’s office is large enough for physical distancing (staying 2 meters/6 feet apart) and the company that she rents from also adheres to safety protocols within the common spaces of the building. During sessions, you are also free to wear a mask and Dr. Dueck will have masks available if you require one, or will wear one upon your request.

  • Hygiene: In keeping with the best practice guidelines, please continue regular hand washing with soap and avoid handshaking. Dr. Dueck will be washing her hands between each client and common surfaces (such as door knobs, chairs) will be disinfected after each in-person appointment.

  • Self-Assessment: Please consider using a self-assessment tool on the day of your appointment. 

  • Informed Consent: You are expected to understand that there are risks of COVID-19 infection associated with attending an in person session. Please inform Dr. Dueck if you have questions/concerns regarding any of the aforementioned safety protocol.  


What if you have a complaint about Dr. Dueck’s psychological services? 

Please bring any concerns you have regarding your treatment or assessment to Dr. Dueck. If this does not resolve your concerns, or if this is not possible, please contact the College of Psychologists of British Columbia (see below for contact information). The College of Psychologists of British Columbia is the regulatory body for the profession of psychology in British Columbia. The College's role is to protect the public interest by regulating the practice of psychology and monitoring the practice of psychology practitioners. The College sets the standards for the practice of psychology. Information is available to the general public about the laws, guidelines, and Code of Conduct governing the provision of psychological services by contacting the College or looking at their website. You may inform the College of Psychologists of any concerns or complaints you have about any psychological service you receive. You may contact the College through any of the methods listed here.

By regular post:
College of Psychologists of British Columbia
404 - 1755 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC
V6J 4S5
By telephone: (604) 736-6164 (or toll free in BC at 1-800-665-0979)
By facsimile: (604) 736-6133
Business Hours: 
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday excluding Statutory Holiday.


Personal information collected by private organizations in BC is regulated by the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA). Psychologists are regulated in accordance with the College of Psychologists of BC Code of Conduct.  If you have any questions about the collection, use, or disposal of this information, please contact Dr. Jaye Dueck, Dr. Jaye Dueck Psychological Services.

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 Dr. Jaye Dueck Psychological Services Inc. 

292-4th Avenue

Kamloops, BC V2C 3N5


Tel: 250-319-3119

Fax: 778-376-2213


© 2024 Dr. Jaye Dueck Psychological Services Inc.

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